How to setup your custom domain to work with your KartRocket store?

1. Login to GoDaddy

2. On the dashboard, expand the Domains section by clicking the + sign. Then search for the domain name you're trying to point to your KartRocket store.

3. Click on Manage next to the domain to open up the following screen:

4. There are 2 parts to pointing your domain to your KartRocket Store:
a. Forward the TOP LEVEL DOMAIN - i.e. (without the WWW) to

For example, if your case we are trying to redirect ->

This is done in the "SETTINGS" tab on the manage domains screen. 

In the forwarding section, click the Manage link under "Domains"

In the pop-up that opens up click "ADD FORWARDING". Then add your domain details with the WWW prefixed to the top domain. 

Click On Add. And click on Save. 

That's it. With this we have ensured that any time the user accesses your site without the WWW sub domain, they still get redirected to www.yourdomain .com

b. Point WWW record to KartRocket's servers. 

Now click on the DNS ZONE FILE tab. Scroll down to the section that has the title "CNAME"

Click on the edit (pencil) icon next to the WWW record. 
[NOTE: If WWW record doesn't exist read on later to see how to add it]

In the pop-up, change the @ symbol to value:

Change the TTL to 1 week and click FINISH. 

Then you will see this message indicating your changes haven't been saved yet. Click on SAVE to save your changes. 

If A record is missing from your domain record, click on Add Record on the top-left of the screen. In the pop-up screen, in Record Type, pick CNAME. See screenshot:

Click Finish and Save. 

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