How To Integrate Invite Refferals app to your KartRocket Store

Many a times, we have made purchases based on recommendations and reviews from friends or others in our social circle. Knowing that someone has tried and tested a product we plan to purchase, reassures our decision and makes the purchase quicker.
In the online marketing space, tracking website referrals and analyzing their effectiveness is not an easy task. Word of mouth and social recommendations is considered to be the most trusted form of marketing and Invite referrals is a tool designed to achieve similar results for websites by  helping them launch customer referral campaigns across website and social channels. Many site visitors avoid using such referral tools in fear of being spammed.
The tool allows site owners launch referral campaigns, that will allow their customers to invite friends via multiple social channels like email, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, linkedin, chat, email etc.

Before Integrating Invite Referrals to your KartRocket Store you need to first sign up

1.Go to and click on ‘Get Started Free’

2.Enter your Company Name, Emailid, Username and create a password and then click on sign up

3.Next, you will have a personalized URL based on your company name that you gave. Enter your contact no and link of your website. Click on ‘save and continue’

4.You will be taken to the Dashboard of Invite Referrals. See below for reference


5.Now, go to ‘Doc/Integration’ and click on it


6.Click on ‘ Plugins’

7.The following page will appear. Under Plugins you will find your BrandID and secret Key. Take a note of it


1.Now, Log in with the username and password details and your dashboard would open. See Below for reference


2.Click on Apps on the extreme left hand side


3.Go to the search bar on the top right side and search for the app

4.The app will be displayed below. Click on the green ‘install’ button to install the app

5.The page will refresh and the install will change to a setting button. Click on the setting button

6.Now, you will be taken to the page as shown below. Choose the status as ‘enabled’. Enter the BrandID and secret key that you copied in step no 7

7.Also, you can do the settings for the positioning of the app

8.Click on ‘save’

9.You will get a Success Notification!

Congrats! You have successfully integrated, now you need to create a campaign

1.Go back to Invite Referrals dashboard and click on ‘Campaigns’

2.Click on ‘Create New Campaign’

3.You will get to the below page. Below are the three types of campaign. You can choose the one you want to create. For help setting up the campaign you can click on ‘Setup Tutorial’ button


4.We will go with the first type of campaign and click on ‘create campaign’ The “Referral Giveaway Campaign” can be used to gratify customers instantly for sending referral invites to their friends through multiple social channels. It could be invite 100 friends to unlock 25% discount code

5.Next, enter a Campaign name. Change the status to ‘Active’. Select a platform. Here we have chosen website.

6.Enter the landing page (Url where referee will be redirected on clicking the referral link/ referral invite)

7.Click on ‘update’

8.You will see a pop up of ‘Successfully updated’

9.Next, go to ‘Customize Widget’

10.Next, you will see the referral pop up description. Click on watch preview

11.On clicking, you will see the preview

12. Click on ‘update’

13.This is successfully updated

14.Next, you can change the Referral Pop up Image and upload your own. Or you can let it be as it is with the below pop up image
*Recommended Dimensions- 400px width and 400px height

15.Next, you can change the floating button settings or let it stay as it is and click on ‘watch and preview’

16. You can see the below floating widget button

17. Click on update and you will get a successfully updated pop up message


18.Next, configure referral options

19.Refer below to understand better and then choose

20.Click on update

21.Next, go to Slider widget

22.Next is the slider widget description. . You can edit/format text, add image, edit html source (under tools option) or add links via editor. Click on update and then Click on ‘Watch Preview’

23.You will see the preview shown below

24.Next, you get to Button Settings. The color, position and text of the following referral bottom can be set here. You can also preview the changes after update

25. See the preview below


26.Next, go to Landing page Notification

27. Next, you can edit the landing page notification here. You can edit/format text, edit html source or add links via editor . {referrer name} is often replaced by name of referrer. Use {referrer code} tag for showing referral code for the referrer

28.See the preview below

29.Next, go to ‘Notification Settings’ The color background of the notification can be set here. You can also activate or deactivate the notification


30.See the preview below

31.Next, go to Customize Invite Text

32.Here, you can add a Facebook feed and click on update.

The title and description will be part of Facebook news feed when participant shares his referral link on Facebook. You may also add your custom hash tags

33.Next, you will get to enrollment mail template. This is the email sent to user when he participates in the campaign first time. You can edit/format text, add image, edit html source (under tools option) or add links via editor. You can edit the current one

34.Next, update the below i.e. edit the friend email invite below

35. Further you can add the Terms and Conditions and update and how it works description and update it

36.Next, go to Set Reward

37.In this step you will specify the incentive for the participant and friend. Define incentive logic, upload coupons and customize coupon email template. This is the Reward setting page . Enter No of Invites ( No of friend invites after which the coupon will be shown to referrer)

38. Next, enter details for the reward for participant . Give a description, enter the check out link (check out page or product info page on which the coupon is valid)

39.Next, is participant’s reward notification mail template. This is the email sent to referrer on successful referral . You can edit this

40.Next you go to website integration

41. This section is very important. Here you need to specify URL rules- the referral widget will appear only as per these rules. Display Rule : You can select multiple types of widget to display.

1.) Automatic Popup -A popup will appear automatically whenever page loads
2.) Button Widget- Floating referral button will appear that opens popup on click

42.Click on submit

43.Next, Specify the conversion settings as applicable

44.Next is the tracking pixel conversion

45.Next comes website Integration with details


1.View your store and see the pop up of Invite Referrals

2. When user enters name and email

3. Next, the visitor will see ‘share referral Link’

4. Next, click on any social media share.

5. The following page will appear

6. After sharing you will get a thank you message


7. In the same way the visitor can also share on twitter

8. Meanwhile the visitor gets mail on his emailid. See below for reference

9. On clicking ‘click here to refer’ you will get to the below page

10. Example of goal/Sale based achievements

11. Another example of Invite to Unlock Campaign


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