How to add products in the store?

How to add products in the store?

In order to add a product manually, first ensure you have created the respective category in which the product has to be mapped. Also in case(optional), you want to display the brand (manufacturers) names on the product page, then create the brands (Catalog ->Brands) also before adding the details of the product.

There are some mandatory fields which you need to complete before saving the product:

  • Product Name
  • SKU – It should be unique for each product, otherwise the system would not accept it. This can be alpha-numeric.
  • Model – You can keep this same as the sku or even different. The model gets displayed on the product page as Product code.

Apart from these fields, category, price, image, quantity and description are also the important fields for adding a new product.

Steps to be followed for adding a New Product:

1. Click on Catalog>Add Products given in the left navigation.

2. Enter the product details such as product name, description, price, quantity., SKU, model & tax class

3. Upload product images, either by using Browse option or by simply dropping the product images on the "DROP HERE" text.

Product Details

4. Navigate to product variation to add product options or variants.

In order to add a variation, first save your product and then only you can create product options. You can click here to refer to the article Product options to understand how to create product options.

5. After creating the product variants, navigate to Product Attribute.

  • Select the attribute name by clicking on the Add New Attribute text. List of available attributes will be displayed.
  • You can select the required attribute from the list. In case the attribute you need is not on the list, then click on Add new Attribute text to type the name of the new attribute.
  • Click on (+) button to create the attribute in the list.
  • Define the product’s attribute value in the text field.
  • Product attributes gets displayed on the product page under the specification tab as shown in the image below:

Product details

Note:  Try to have product attributes and options on the products as they help in the product filtration on the category page

6. Now select the categories of the product to which the product is associated.

  • You can simply select the categories from the available list by clicking on the checkbox.
  • In case, required category is not there then you can click on Manage Categories button. It will redirect you to the Product Category section.

Please refer to Category - Parent and sub child categories for guide on creating product categories. 


7. After defining the categories, define the weight of the product.

  • Select the Weight class as Kilogram preferably.
  • Define the weight.
  • Define Dimensions of the product, which helps in calculating the volumetric weight of the product. It is required in shipping weight measurement.


In case of Advance options, Click on Advance Tab placed right to Standard tab and follow the below process for adding advance details of the product.

8. Click on SEO Tab and fill the required meta details about the product.


9. Click on Additional Image Tab, it will help you to define the ALT TEXT to the Image which helps in reading the information alternative to image to the customer. (This tab is available only once you save and edit the product and not while adding a product)

Additional Iamges

Alt Text
10. Click on Standardized Fields and enter the UPC, ISBN, ASIN & EAN codes of your product, if any.

11. Click on Related Products Tab, this feature is very helpful in cross-selling your products.

  • Simply type the initial of the product, which you want to display under Related Product tab.
  • Select the products from the list displayed on the basis of initial provided by you.
  • You can check the list of the added product below the Related Products box.
  • If you want to remove a product from the list, then click on (-) button.

Related Products

12. Click on Additional Settings tab.

  • Define the sort order of the product. The basic usage of sort order is to define the position of the product on the category page.
  • ON/OFF requires shipping option on the product. In case require shipping is off, shipping charges will not be applicable on the product.
  • ON/OFF subtract stock option on the product, if you don’t want to automatically decrease product quantity from the store then select this as OFF.
  • Location field is used when you use Product Based Shipping App, to define the shipping charges on product basis. The location field gets renamed to Product based shipping when the Product based shipping option is turned ON.
  • Define the maximum and minimum quantity for the product, which customer has to order for purchasing the product.
Define Out Of Stock Status, this will show on the product page.

Additional Details

13. Click on Reward Tab. Reward points are the points which customer earns on making purchase of a particular product. You can define Reward points on purchase of the product on the basis of Customer Group as well. Simply define the Reward Points value in front of the Group.

On the top, there is a field called Points. Customer can redeem his/her earned points by purchasing the product on the basis of point value. So, you need to define the point value at which the customer can purchase the product.

To know how to create and manage Customer Groups, please refer to Managing customer Groups.

Reward Points

14. Click on Bulk Discount Tab to define bulk purchase discounts. For example, if you want to give discount when the client purchases this product in bulk quantity.


  • Select the customer group to which this discount will be applicable.
  • Define the quantity, which is required to enable the discounted price.
  • Define the priority (sort order) of the discount.
  • Define the discounted price.
  • Select the Start date of the discount.
  • Select the End date of the discount.

In case, you want to define more slabs for the quantity purchase discount, then click on plus (+) icon to add new slab and enter the values.

  • Click on Save button after defining the discount slabs.

special price

15. Click on Special tab to define special price/discounted price of the product.

Special price is use to display a discounted price for the product which can be different for different customer groups. The customers registered under a specific group will only be able to view this after login in to their account.

On the website special price looks like this:

Special Price - Front view

Simply complete the below details to apply special price to your product.

  • Select the customer group.
  • Define the special price.
  • Select start date.
  • Select end date.
  • Define priority (sort order) for the price.
Product special price

Note: In case if you also want to display the discount percentage additional to the special price, you can switch ON the Discount percent app from the App section.

16. Click on Save button to save the details of the product.



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