How to add/manage product reviews?

This section consists of all the product reviews posted by customers. You can add new reviews and modify existing reviews of the customers. Follow the below steps to manage/add product reviews:

Add a review:

Kartrocket has an option for the Customers to give product reviews by entering the required details in the review forms available on the website product pages.

Below is the screenshot of the review form:
Product review form on product page

Being the website owner you can view/edit product reviews in the Kartrocket admin. To modify or enable these reviews please follow below steps:

1) Click on Catalog>Product Reviews. This will display all the reviews submitted by the customers on your website.

Product review navigation

2) As you can see in the above screenshot, the status of the review is OFF, this means until you turn the status ON this review will not show on the relevant product page on your website.

3) You can review the product reviews and decide which ones to show on the website. To check the reviews, click on the action button.

4) The review details will show as:

Product review details in admin

5) Here you can make the changes as required and set the Status to Enable. Now click on the save button on the top right corner.

6) This will automatically turn the status ON as shown below:

Product review status

7) Now the product review will be visible on the product page as:

Product review on product page

8) As the website owner you also have the option to add the reviews from the Kartrocket admin. To do this you can click on the Add button given on the top right corner of the product reviews listing page.

Add button

Now here in the below form you can enter all the required details, once this is enabled, it will show on the relevant product page.

Product review form in admin

9) As a merchant,you also have the option to delete a review by clicking on the cross button. This you can do when you don’t intend to keep the record of any review.

10) In case you don’t want any customers to write/submit reviews for the products, you have the option to disable it by turning Allow Review setting to OFF.(Navigation: Settings>General Settings)

Allow reviews setting


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