Configure KartRocket and Amazon App Integration (Sell Products on Amazon)
***Make sure you've signed up as a seller with Amazon and have got your merchant keys***
Click here to sguideee that
1. Go to Apps and Filter on the Sales
2. Find the Amazon App and Click on Setting
3. Go to Step 2: Authorize KartRocket
4. Setup the Status, Marketplace and Currency as Above and enter your four keys that you should've received from the previous guide.
5. Fill out the remaining fields as below:
a. For Advertising Key ID and Key: you can just enter 1234
b. For Out of Stock, set to 0 (this means when should KartRocket stop synching/adding stock with Amazon)
c. Price Formula: you can leave it at @ if you don't want to increase price for the product when you synch your Products with Amazon. Or, you can add a @+X%, where X is the % by which you want to increase the price when you post
your products to Amazon.
d. Price CallBack: you can leave this setting as it is.
e. Shipping & Payment Methods: This is what will show up when you import your Orders back to KartRocket. For simplicity, you should just these both to Amazon.
6. Go to Step 3: Map Categories
Pick the categories from which you want to send your products to Amazon. Select your KartRocket category on the left, cick the Right arrow and move it to the "Selected Categories" section on the right.
Then click on the Save button on the bottom
7. Then go to Step 4: Upload and Synch
Then click on Lookup Now. You will see the number of products that would get created.
This step hasn't uploaded your products to Amazon yet. This step is to test what will happen when you actually send the product data to Amazon.Uncheck the "Lookup Only" checkbox
Then click Synchronize Now
You should get a success message
Then go to your seller central account and check the posting of the product:
Next, let's talk about how to import orders
1. Click on Step 5: Import Orders
2. Enter the date range (From and To) - Make sure the To date is the current date or less and not a future date
3. Click on Orders to fetch your orders
4. Click on the top left checkbox to select all orders you want to import
5. Next click on "Get Details for Selected Orders"
6. You will get a detailed breakup for each order you have selected
7. Finally click on Import Selected Orders
8. Now these orders will get imported and will start showing up in your Orders section.
See this guide to learn how to process and ship these orders.
Now that you've imported orders, lets work on sending shipping information to Amazon for these orders
This is needed so you can get paid :)
1. Click on Step 6: Send Shipping Information
2. Select the date ranges (make sure the To date is less than or equal to current date) and click Look Up Now
3. Select orders which you have shipped