How to Integrate eBay App to your KartRocket Store

This app lets you list your products on ebay India, sync quantities and price, import orders when you receive them and ship them using ShipRocket.
Hence, it is for:
a)Product Listing
b)Importing Orders



A) Sign up on eBay as a Seller
1. Go to and set up a seller account by clicking on it.

2. Now, here click on ‘Register’ . See below for reference

3. Fill the fields below. After that click on ‘Register’ ,see below for reference

4. Click on blue ‘Continue’ button . See below

5. Now, enter your password and click on ‘sign in’

6. Confirm your identity by SMS and click on ‘SMS ME’

7. Enter the confirmation code sent to you by SMS

1. Log in with the username and password details and your dashboard would open. See Below for reference.


2. . Click on ‘Apps’ on the left hand side

3. Search for ‘ebay’ on the search bar on the top right hand side and click on the green ‘install’ button

4. The page will refresh and it would change to a ‘settings’ button


5. Click on the green ‘settings’ button and you will get to the below page

1. Click on Step 2 ‘Authorize KartRocket’





2. You will get to the below screen.

3. Click on ‘Authorize’ red button

4. This will take you to the log in page. Log in again with your created Username and password and log in. A pop up of ‘grant application access’ comes. Click on ‘I agree’ button

5. You will be presented with the token in a window – you can just save it for your reference

6. Then , go back to the Kartrocket panel window and click on ‘Get Token’. After that you will receive a message saying ‘Token successfully saved’

7. Change the status to ‘enabled’ and click on ‘save’

8. Now come to step 3 , keep the settings at it is except for ‘item location’ and ‘postal code’. This will as per the client

9. Skip all the steps and come to step 6 and click on ‘import order’

10. On clicking on ‘Import Order’ . you will reach the screen below of order date from and order date to and then click on ‘import’

11. On clicking on ‘Import’ you will get to the below screen showing the main order list with imported orders having complete order status


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