How to Integrate Product Carousel App with your KartRocket Store

This Application lets you create collection of product images by category, randomly and by other rules and then lets you place multiple such ‘carousels’ across your store. This ensures your customers are always served with fresh content and that you get the most flexibility in showcasing your products and however you feel is best.

Select from latest featured and special products and display them in a new ‘fancy sliding product window ’on your website



1.Open your store on Kartrocket panel , log in with the username and password details and your dashboard would open. See Below for reference.

2.Click on Apps on the right hand side. This will show a list of apps in the app store opening sales applications. See below for reference


3.Click on ‘tools’ in the header and scroll down to reach Product Carousel Application or search on the search bar.You will see the app . Now, Click on the green ‘install’ button to install the app


4.This will install the application and the green ‘install’ button would change to a ‘settings’ button and the application will be switched ‘ON’


5.Click on the settings button. Update the settings as per your requirement. You shall see the page as below

•Caption: you can add any caption you want for your product carousel.
•Source: from where you can add products to your carousel. To add different products from your store select ‘products source code’ and then select the products to be included in the source. Refer below:


•Show Name Product: To show product name in the carousel
•Show Price Product: To show price of the product in the carousel
•Show add to cart: Display ‘Add to cart’ in the carousel
•Enabled Popup Product: On hovering/ mouse over the pop up of the product should be enabled yes/No
•Show detail Pop up: in the popup show details such as price, name, or both
•Zoom image Product in pop up
•Random: Enable Random Products- Yes/No
•Cache: Enable cache for query – Yes/No
•Limit: No of products selected of the source
•Scroll limit: No of products shown in a scroll (since it is a slider)
•Image (w*h): Dimensions of the image
•Scroll: No of products in the scroll
•Axis: horizontal/vertical
•Auto Start option
•Time Animation
•Layout: Page where in you want to display the carousel
•Position: Content top, bottom, column left, right
•Status- enable/disable
•Sort Order 

1.Look below for the live product carousel on store with slide view

2.Live product carousel on store with list view


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