How To Integrate Restrict payment methods App with your KartRocket Store


What happens when your customer orders LED TV worth 1Lac on COD?
This is why you need to use the restrict payment methods app to limit certain payment methods by product, cart, order criteria. Restrict Payment methods quickly and easily using this application.

Available restrictions include:

1.Order Criteria - currency, customer group, geo zones
2.Cart Criteria - Items (Min,Max) Weight, Post codes, Date (Start,End), subtotal?
3.Date/Time Criteria
4.Category Criteria
5.Manufacturer Criteria
6.Product Criteria

Features & Benefits

1.Sort your Payment methods with your preferred restriction
2.Restrict payment methods by Oder, cart,category,product criteria
3.Increase effectiveness of your payment process. Sometimes, it is necessary to limit usage of payment methods to prevent losses. Eg- it doesn’t make sense to use certain payment gateways for small orders due to comparatively high processing fees
4.Easy to set up and simple to use


1. Log in with the username and password details and your dashboard would open. See Below for reference.



2. Click on Apps on the extreme left hand side


3. On clicking ‘Apps’ you will see a list of applications. Go to the search bar above and search for the app

4. The app will be displayed 

5. Click on the green ‘install’ button to install the application 

6. The page will refresh and the install button will change to a ‘settings’ button 

7. Click on the ‘Setting’ button 

8. On clicking ‘settings’ you will see the below page 

Add Restrictions , check the ones you want to include in a restriction and after adding them , click on ‘save’ to make the changes
a)Payment Methods: Select the Payment method to which the restriction has to be applied. Disabled payment methods are displayed in Italics

Note: The restrictions determine when payment methods are enabled. For example, if we check only the “INR” currency for a payment method, then it will be available only to customers using INR
b)Order Criteria: This is divided into Currencies, customer groups, Geo Zones
I.Currencies: Select the currencies for which the payment method is available. “Convert Unselected” will automatically convert the order total for unselected currencies, based on the currency rates.
II.Customer Groups: Select the customer groups for which the payment method is available. “Not Logged In” will make the payment method available to any customer not currently logged in.”
III.Geo Zones: Select the geo zones for which the payment method is available. “ All other zones” will make the payment method available to all locations not within a geo zone

c)Cart Criteria: Select whether to compare the cart criteria values against the entire cart or just applicable items in the category / manufacturer / product lists
•Min-Max : Optionally enter minimum and/or maximum values the cart must have for the payment method to be enabled. Leave fields blank to have no restrictions on that criteria.
•Items: Number of items the cart must have for the payment method to be enabled.
•Value for total : Select the value used for total comparisons – the cart’s pre-discounted subtotal( using all products’ original prices instead of Special or Discount Prices), Sub Total, Taxed Sub Total or Total(at the point after Shipping Order Total).
•Weight: Enter the min. And max. Weight the cart must have.
•Postcodes: Enter the postcodes you want to restrict the payment methods to.
•Date Start and Date End: Enter the starting and ending date for the payment method. Dates are inclusive

d)Categories: Select the categories that cart products need to match for the payment method to be enabled. Disabled categories are displayed in itlaics. To have no restrictions on product categories, leave all the categories unselected
•Any: The cart has at least one product from a selected category. It can have products from other categories as well.
•All: The cart has products from all selected categories. It can have products from other categories as well
•Not : The cart has at least one product NOT from a selected category. It can have products from selected categories as well
•Only Any: The cart has only products from all selected categories. It CANNOT have products from unselected categories
•Only All: The cart has only products from all selected categories. It CANNOT have products from unselected categories
•None: The cart has at least one product not from a selected category. It cannot have products from selected categories 

e)Manufacturers: Select the manufacturers that cart products need to match for the payment method to be enabled. To have no restrictions on manufacturers leave all the manufacturers unselected
•Any: The cart has at least one product from a selected manufacturer. It can have products from other manufacturers as well.
•All: The cart has products from all selected manufacturers. It can have products from other manufacturers as well
•Not : The cart has at least one product NOT from a selected manufacturer. It can have products from selected manufacturers as well
•Only Any: The cart has only products from all selected manufacturers. It CANNOT have products from unselected manufacturers
•Only All: The cart has only products from all selected manufacturers. It CANNOT have products from unselected manufacturers
•None: The cart has at least one product not from a selected manufacturer. It cannot have products from selected manufacturers 

f)Products: Select the products that cart needs to match for the payment method to be enabled. To have no restrictions on products leave the products list empty
Any: The cart has at least one product on the list. It can have products not on the list as well.
All: The cart has all of the products on the list. It can have products not on the list as well
Not : The cart has at least one product NOT on the list It can have products on the list as well
Only Any: The cart has only products on the list. It CANNOT have products not on the list
Only All: The cart has only all of the products on the list It CANNOT have products not on the list
None: The cart has at least one product not on the list. It cannot have products on the list 


Suppose you want to restrict PayPal from appearing unless the cart contains at least 2 lbs or 500 cubic inches of products from your "Alpha" manufacturer. You also only want it available to postcodes starting with 4 or 9. Then you would enter:

Payment Methods: PayPal
Weight Min: 2
Postcodes: 4-49999, 9-99999
Compare Against: Applicable Items
Manufacturer Comparison: ANY
Manufacturers: Alpha
Payment Methods: PayPal
Volume Min: 500
Postcodes: 4-49999, 9-99999
Compare Against: Applicable Items
Manufacturer Comparison: ANY
Manufacturers: Alpha


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