How To Integrate FORM BUILDER app to your KartRocket Store

This app lets you create any customer facing form by using drag and drop fields.

1.Log in with the username and password details and your dashboard would open. See Below for reference


2.Click on Apps on the extreme left hand side

3.Go to the search bar on the top right side and search for the app

4.The app will be displayed below. Click on the install button to install the app

5.The page will refresh and the install would change to a setting button

6.Click on the ‘setting’ button

7.Click on ‘Crate New feed’

8.You will see the following.

9.Go to ‘general’ and click on it

10.Change the status to ‘enable’

11.Enter a form name

12.Next, you will see the ‘Password to access’ field. You can add a password or you can leave it blank to allow anyone to access the form. In the below sample, we have kept it blank as we want everyone to access this form.
Please Note: ‘Password Overlay Capacity’ of 80% is auto generated

13.Next, go to top bar and click on ‘Locations’

14.Click on ‘Add Module’

15.You will see the following screen under display - ‘Module Box class’ , ‘Module Heading Class’ and ‘Module Content Class’ filled.

Please Note:In the below sample we have left it blank as we do not want the box, box heading, box content and for Hide CSS Selectors we have entered . buttons to hide the usual ‘continue’ button

16.Change the Status to ‘enabled’

17.Choose the ‘Layout’ and ‘Position’

Please Note: The Store Name is automatically generated

Hence, the module will look like below

18.Next, click on ‘Fields’

19.Below are the listed field types. To add a field type , drag and drop it below

20.Field type is ‘Drop Down’. Enter the Mandatory field. of selections you allowed in the drop down is 1 ( auto filled), Field Label: Gender. Enter the choices from which customers can select. Separate the choices by; semi colons


21.Next,we have added ‘Text Input’ . Enter the Name for the field. Here we have taken as ‘Name’ , Type: Text (auto-filled) , Min length: Optionally set the minimum response length required, Max Length: Optionally set the max response length allowed, Field Label:Name

22.Similarly, we have added another text input for ‘email’

23.Another one for ‘Address’ field

24.This one is for ‘Contact phone’


25.We have selected Drop down for the field: Years of Experience

26.Here we have selected ‘File upload’ with field name as Browse. Enter the max file size allowed in KB for files uploaded (IMB=1024 KB),Enter the allowed file extensions for files uploaded separated by commas. Field label same as ‘Attach Resume’ , enter Success message- message displayed after the form is successfully submitted


27.Last, we have added the ‘Submit’ button. In ‘Redirect on Success’ you can optionally enter the URL where the customer is redirected, after displaying the success message. Leave this field blank to remain on the same page

28.Next, Go to the top bar and click on ‘Errors’

29.Enter the error messages that you want to display

30.Enter few more error messages for the fields below

31.Add error messages for File size, extension and upload when the customer chooses the field ‘file upload’

32.Next go to ‘Email’

33.Enter the email address or addresses from where responses are sent. In case you are adding more than one email ID, separate by comma. For ‘Subject’ and ‘Message’ fields , use a field key surrounded by square brackets [ ] to insert customer’s response to that field, or use [form_responses] to insert a list of all responses

34.Add the Admin E-mail Message

35.Choose ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to email customers their responses

36.Add customer E-mail Subject


37.Enter the customer email message

38.Click on ‘Save and Exit’

39.It will show a ‘Saved’ message



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