How To Integrate Option Image app to your KartRocket Store
This app showcases your products your product images in every color available so that your customer can clearly make up his/her mind.
With this feature, whenever your customer chooses any color, the product image will automatically change and will show the product in that colorSTEPS TO INTEGRATE WITH YOUR STORE
Before you turn on Option Image Update Option in your KartRocket store, you add products with properly defined color variants and corresponding images. To do this, follow these steps.
1) Login to your KartRocket Store.
2) Click on Catalog, and then click on Add Products.
3) In case you have already added your products, you can go to Manage Products and click on the pencil icon.
4) Go to Product Variation and then add a new variation with the name of “Color.”
5) Add the value (as in color name), option SKU (which will be as same as the image name), quantity, additional price, points and weight. Also, upload corresponding product images.
6) Once you are done, save the changes.
7) Now, go to apps and search for “Option Image Variant.” Click on it to change its status from Off to On.
Your store will easily show images of the product color which you customer chooses. For example, in the following image, if your customer chooses black color T-shirt, it’s image is shown and when you customer chooses white color T-shirt, the white one is shown.