How to setup bulk order discounts and minimum order quantity for products

This tutorial will show you how to create products that are only saleable in bullk quantity.

1. Allow product to be sold ONLY in bulk quantity regardless of user type
a. Navigate to products
b. Click on Add Product or Edit an Existing Product
c. Click on Advanced Tab on Top Right

d. Click on the Pricing Tab

Here you can set the minimum quantity that a customer MUST add to cart before they can place an order.

2. Offer a discount on a product to be sold in bulk quantity dependent on the user group

Follow steps 1a through 1c above.

Click on the Discount Tab

Now you can choose a customer group, or default if want it to apply for every customer, enter the quantity that is required for the discount. You can enter the start and end date till when you want this promotion/discount to run, or leave them blank if you want this to run permanently.

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