How to enable or disable COD payment method on your store?

This article explains how you turn the COD payment method on or off on your store.

1. Navigate to Rules > Payment Options in left menu

2. Find the Cash on Delivery app, the screen shot of the app is as mentioned below:

COD payment app

3. Click on the Install button and once it is installed, click on the Setting button which will reflect on the same position where Install button was reflecting

4. Now you still need to click on "Setting" and Enable the payment method in the next screen.

CoD App Settings

Let's take a look at the settings that exist:

a) Name: This the name of the CoD payment option that you need to show at front-end, in case you leave it blank, the default name Cash on Delivery will reflect.

b) Use CoD Verify: Please set this to Yes in case you want to enable CoD verification. By enabling this, customer will receive an OTP (onetime password) on the mobile number as mentioned in the order. Once customer verifies it, the CoD order gets confirmed.

c) Total: This is the total value that an order must reach before the COD payment method becomes active. E.g.:

Case-1: If you want CoD to be enabled for all the orders irrespective of the order value – Enter the smallest amount such as 0.01, so it this case CoD payment option will reflect for all the orders whose values are above INR 0.01.

Case-2: If you want CoD to be enabled for an amount range such as INR 1000-INR 5000, unfortunately this can’t be achieved by using only this app. Kartrocket platform has another app named as “Cart Rules”* that can be used along with Cash on Delivery app to achieve this.

d) Custom Pin Code: Using ShipRocket system, your store is already intelligent to automatically enable or disable the COD option for PIN codes that are not serviceable by any of the courier providers empanelled with us. However, if you need to setup your own pin code allowance list, you can click on the “Insert Custom Pin Codes” and it redirects to the “Pin Code Restriction” app.

e) Order Status: This is the status to which the order will be set after you receive a COD order. If ‘Use CoD verify’ is set to Yes, the status should be “Pending” else it should be set as “CoD Confirmed”.

f) Geo Zone: Geo Zone is a group of zones. You can select the Geo zone from the dropdown and restrict the CoD payment option to the unselected Geo Zones. You can also select “All Zones” if you want to give CoD option to all the Geo zones. Geo Zone works on the Country and State selected by the customer while entering the shipping address during checkout. You can also add/edit/delete Geo zones from Settings > Localization > Geo Zones
g) Status: For enabling the CoD on front-end you need to set the status to Enabled else you can set this to disabled if you want to completely turn off CoD on your store.

h) Sort Order: You can enter the sort order as 1,2 etc. to manage the front-end position of the CoD payment option.

5. Post configuration, click on Save button available at top right corner, Now the CoD option is configured and will reflect on your website. Below is the front-end screen shot for reference:

COD option at checkout
*The Cart Rule app is available only in selected plans, please refer to Kartrocket pricing page for plan related information.


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