How to do basic set-up of studio store?

The Basic store set-up of Studio will cover the below points:

Apart from the above points, you can also check below points which will help you in your store set-up and troubleshooting:


1. Click on Store Design>Design.

2. Select the color theme for your store from the available options.

How to do basic set-up of studio store? bc32680264

3. Click on Save button to apply the template.



1. Click on Store Design>Banner.

How to do basic set-up of studio store? 233e99ce0b

2. Click on BROWSE button to upload the Banner Image or simply drop the banner image on the DROP HERE text.

3. Enter the link of the landing page in Banner Link column, if you want to link the banner with a particular page or category.

How to do basic set-up of studio store? bd77fba891

4. Enter the alternative text for the image in Image Alt Text column.

How to do basic set-up of studio store? c5d4749b7b

5. Define the sort order which defines the position of the banner on the store.

How to do basic set-up of studio store? 7961f77e03

6. Click on add icon to add more banners and repeat the above steps.

How to do basic set-up of studio store? 801b690339

7. Click on Save button.


1. Click on Store Design>Logo.

How to do basic set-up of studio store? 7f4f84437e

  • Store Logo- You can upload logo of the store from this section. You can either click on BROWSEbutton or drop the logo file over the DROP HERE text. Define logo’s width and height.
  • Icon- You can upload fav icon of the store by using this section. This will be visible on the browser tab along with the meta title of your store. Below is the example of fav icon.

How to do basic set-up of studio store? 131cd2055f

  • Sold Out Image- You can change the sold-out image for the products of your store which are not available in the stock. The image uploaded in this section will be visible on the sold-out product.

How to do basic set-up of studio store? 57d19f4ee6

2. Click on Save button.


1. Click on Catalog>Product Category.

How to do basic set-up of studio store? 6346d39ea4

2. Click on Add button to create a new category and enter the below details:

  • Category Name: Type the Category name which you want to create.
  • Description: In description field, you can upload category banner image, text, links, embed video, etc. You can also create description by using HTML.
  • Top: Check this box, if you want Category to be display on the Top Menu Bar, else leave this uncheck.

How to do basic set-up of studio store? 33af9e3468

3. Click on Advance tab to fill the SEO details, selection of parent category and other options.

  • Parent Category: Select the “Parent Category” in case you are creating a sub-category else select None.
  • Meta Title: Type title of the Category, helps in on-page SEO.
  • Meta Tag Description: Type description of the category which helps in on-page SEO.
  • Meta Tag Keywords: Define keywords for the category which helps in on-page SEO.
  • SEO URL: Leave this as default as system generates SEO URL itself.
  • Status: Define status of the category.
  • Sort Order: Define sort order of the category.
  • Columns: Define the number of columns you want to display under the parent category.

Note- This column field works in case of Parent Category only.

How to do basic set-up of studio store? 81bee941ba

4. Click on Save button to Finish.


There are some mandatory fields which you need to complete before saving the product:

  • Product Name
  • SKU
  • Model

Apart from these fields, category, price, image, quantity and description are also the important fields for adding a new product.

Steps to be followed for adding a New Product-

1. Click on Catalog>Add Products.

2. Enter the product details such as product name, description, price, special price, quantity., SKU, model & tax class.

How to do basic set-up of studio store? 316930f801


3. Upload product images, either by using BROWSE button or by simply dropping the product images on the DROP HERE text.

How to do basic set-up of studio store? 08235506d3

4. Navigate to product variation to add product options or variants.

  • Click on the Add New Variation text. The list of available options will be displayed.
  • You can select and add the required options. In case, the variant you need is not in the option, then click on Add new Variation text to type the name of the new variant.
  • After typing the name, click on Plus (+) button to select the variation type such as Select, Radio, Text, Date, File, etc.
  • After selecting the variation, define the required values.
  • You can define separate SKU, quantity, weight, points & price for a product variation.  How to do basic set-up of studio store? 9d693dd2ef


  • Check “Required”, if you want to mark that variant mandatory else leave unchecked.
  • Check “Subtract Stock”, if you want to enable automatic stock reduction on every unit sale.
  • To define price for a variant, just use the difference value of the actual product price and the product variant price.

Example- A Jean is price at Rs.5000 and it is available in 3 sizes which are 32, 34 and 36. Among these 32 and 34 priced at Rs.5500 and 36 is priced at Rs.4500.

In case of 32 and 34, we will simply define the amount of “500” as default value is positive only.

But in case of 36, we will define the price as “-500”. We need to use minus (-) sign before the value of amount.

5. After creating the product variants, navigate to Product Attribute.

  • Select the attribute name by clicking on the Add New Attribute text. List of available options will be displayed.
  • You can select the required attribute from the list. In case the attribute you need is not on the list, then click on Add new Attribute text to type the name of the new attribute.
  • Click on (+) button to create the attribute in the list.
  • Define the product’s attribute value in the text field.

6. Now select the categories of the product to which the product is associated.

  • You can simply select the categories from the available list by clicking on the checkbox.
  • In case, required category is not there then you can click on Manage Categories button. It will redirect you to the Product Category section.  How to do basic set-up of studio store? 32a746a5e6

7. After defining the categories, define the weight of the product.

  • Select the Weight class.
  • Define the weight.
  • Define Dimensions of the product, which helps in calculating the volumetric weight of the product. It is required in shipping weight measurement.

How to do basic set-up of studio store? 29d674112b

8. Click on Save button to add the product.

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