How to configure CC Avenue MCPG Seamless payment option?

"CCavenue MCPG Seamless" is a new enhanced version of the existing payment option “CCavenue MCPG, both the options differ in the way they operate. In CCavenue MCPG Seamless payment option, when the users click on confirm order button at checkout, the system does not redirects to another page instead the payment page opens up in a pop up in the same screen with the use of iframe. This helps in better user experience & faster payments.

The admin configuration is same for both the payment options. Before activating this payment option please ensure that your account is enabled with seamless feature.

Here’s how you can configure CC Avenue MCPG payment option:


1. Login to your store admin panel.

2. Navigate to Rules on the left side menu, then click on Payment Options.


3. Search for “CC Avenue MCPG” app, you will see 2 apps - CCAvenue MCPG New & CCAvenue MCPG Seamless; then click on “Install”.

 4. Once the app is installed successfully, click on “setting”. 

5. Enter the “Merchant Id”, “Encryption code” & “Access Code” obtained from CC Avenue in the resp fields provided.


6. Click on “Save” button to save the settings

7. Once the new payment option is successfully installed, Uninstall the CC Avenue MCPG app.


8. Lastly, check for CC Avenue MCPG Seamless payment option on front end.


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