What do various order statuses mean in KartRocket?

There are several order statuses in your KartRocket admin that you will encounter.

Let's discuss each one and what it means:

1. Pending
This is usually for COD type orders and it simply means an order has been received but no verification has taken place. You should try to call the customer to manually verify this kind of order before dispatching.

This will also set if you've enabled the Bank Transfer type of payment method.

2. COD Confirmed
This status will be auto-set if you're using the automatic COD PIN based confirmation, or you can manually set this status once you've spoken to the customer.

3. ePayment Received
This means an electronic payment has been received successfully.

4. ePayment Failed
This means an electronic payment has failed and has not gone through sucessfully.
(Note: this filter will be available as on Oct 1, 2013)

5. Ready for Dispatch
This is what you have marked as ready to ship. When you mark an order Ready for Dispatch, you will also assign a courier company and waybill number to the order.

If you're a ShipRocket user, from the point on, the order lifecyle from Shipped to Delivered will be on auto-pilot! Otherwise, you can manually update the status if you're using your own courier provider.

6. Shipped
This indicates the shipping company has received your package. If you're a ShipRocket user, this status will change automatically.

7. Delivered
This indicates the order has been delivered successfully. If you're a ShipRocket user, this status will change automatically.

8. Canceled
This is a status where you can manually cancel an order and no further changes will be required to this order. This is useful for junk orders or for duplicate orders. This is a manual step and the system never auto-cancels an order.

What are missing orders?

Missing orders are basically "Abandoned" orders. These are orders where a customer added your products to their shopping cart, went up to the checkout page, picked a payment option but after that basically decided not to place the order. If the customer has left their contact details, you should try to manually contact the customer to try and understand what made them opt out of the sale.

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