How to Add a Customer?

1. Click on Customers>Add a Customer.

2. Enter the Customer’s detail.

  • General: This section helps you in managing the customer’s general details such as Name, Email, Mobile, Address, Customer group & status of the customer. Edit the fields as required and click on Save button to apply the changes below the edited section.

In case you want to add new address of the customer, then click on Add icon, fill the details and click on Save button to apply changes.


edit_customer_details_3  How to Add a Customer? 286c2fb152

  •  Transaction: This tab displays the transaction summary of the customer. In case you want to add some transaction then simply define the description and amount to add transaction in the summary.

Note- Please use minus (-) sign to deduct the amount and in case of addition simply type the amount and description only.  How to Add a Customer? 81dcd808c0

  •  Reward Points: You can manage reward points of the customer by using this tab. Simply type the description and points and click on Add Reward Points  How to Add a Customer? 48110274cf

3. Click on General Tab after completing the details and then click on Save button.

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