How To Integrate Product Filter app with your KartRocket Store

The Product Filters Application provides the most affective store navigation capabilities allowing customers to browse through attributes, variations etc. It lets you define which filters you want to display to your store customers and also decide the positioning of this filter.
Add product filter to let your customers choose what they want to see and how they want to arrange the products. Use default filters or create your own. Also known as ‘Narrow Results By’
Deliver a better shopping experience with improved search relevance. Adding product filter on ecommerce website boosts revenues by 76%

1.Open your store on Kartrocket panel , log in with the username and password details and your dashboard would open. See Below for reference


2.Click on Apps on the right hand side. This will show a list of apps in the app store opening sales applications. See below for reference


3.Click on ‘Tools’ in the header. This will show you a list of tools


4.Scroll down to reach the Product filter app.

5.Now, click on the green ‘install button’ to install the app

6.This green button will change to a settings button and the app will be turned ‘ON’ See below. Now click on settings



7.You will get to the below page


8.Click on Default to expand the window below


9.Click on ‘select values for default’

10.Click on "Select All" to select all attributes, or selectively pick the attributes you need


11.Now, for each attribute selected. Enter the values as per your requirement and then click on ‘save’

•Select Values: Color, Dimensions, leather etc
What is- Attribute or option
•No of Products: refers to the no of products for which you want to apply this filter
•Sort order- listing based on priority
•View- List only
•Separator for multiple values: Use this if you want to show multiple values separately. E.g. for color attribute , you want to show black and blue as separate colors so you will use a separator for multiple values followed by a comma, semicolon whatever you have used to separate the two in the product page
•Search Input- incorporating a search option along with the filtering
•Init Open/Close – initialization open or close i.e. you want the filter section tobe expanded or collapsed when user opens your store
•Select order – Human order is selected
•Example of values you have taken

12.If you want to change the attributes per category page, you can expand the boxes below and these steps
13.Next click on Admin settings. You will get to the page below. Update as per your requirement and then click on ‘save’


•Settings- update the settings for the product filter app on your store as per your requirement
•Layout- In the layouts tab select where you want to display the filter- in most cases this will be the content –left position on the category layout
•Price Range- Use the Price Range tab if you want to filter by price range
•Manufacturer- Use the manufacturer tab if you want to filter by manufacturers/brands
•Categories- Use the categories tab, if you want to filter by categories and sub-categories
•Stock Filter- Use the stock filter tab, if you want to filter by stock
•Menu templates- list of themes
•Styles & Themes- Using this you can customize the filter tab with the colors and style
•Admin Cache to clear the cache

1.Take a look at the Product filter app on a live store






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