How to Integrate Amazon App to your KartRocket Store

Many businesses start out selling their products on Amazon and then create their own independent website in order to expand their reach and grow some of their own direct-to-consumer sales. By selling direct to consumer alongside their Amazon store, business owners can sell more products, and increase profitability.
This application helps you to list your product on Amazon India synch quantities and price, import orders when you receive them and send shipping information back to Amazon.



1. Visit and fill the sign up form there




2. Once you're signed up and you have your username and password, you will need to get a merchant key. Go to and Enter your Amazon Seller Account Credentials

3. Pick the option "I want to give developer access to my Amazon Seller Account with MWS"

Important: Make sure you enter the developer name and account number as shown in the screenshot above, also as shown below:

Developers Name: KartRocket
Developers Account Number: 1469-7463-9584
4. Click Next and Accept Terms and Conditions. Click Next Again

5. Copy the Four credentials on that page safely somewhere. You will need these when you configure your Amazon App.

Please note:, You only need to supply your Merchant ID for your Kartrocket account. Since you have already authorized Kartrocket as a developer, you will use Kartrocket access keys and secret key, and your merchant ID to setup your app.
For your reference, the following are the 4 pieces of information needed:

1. Merchant ID - this is your ID that you need to fill into your Kartrocket Store or share with your ecommerce Advisor/Rocket Buddy
2. Marketplace ID - this is country specific and will always be A21TJRUUN4KGV
3. AWS Access Key ID - this will always be the same as AKIAJMPGMFCKCWJEDUHA
4. Secret Key - this will always be the same as jiNRgWlHuT9QWdiCy/gGOKxgBLZTty2pDKmSD9q1

Note: you don't need to use your own AWS Access Key and Secret Key because you have already authorized Kartrocket as a developer and their keys can be used.

6. Log in with the username and password details and your dashboard would open. See Below for reference.


7. Go to ‘Apps’ on the right hand side and click on it


8. Go to search bar on the top right side and search for ‘Amazon’ . You will see the Amazon Integration app below . Click on the ‘install’ button

9. The page will refresh and the green ‘install’ button will change to a ‘settings’ button

10. Click on the ‘settings’ button. You will see the page below

11. Click on ‘Authorize Kartrocket’ tab . Set up the status, Marketplace and currency and enter the merchant ID, marketplace ID, AWS Key Id, AWS secret Key (refer step no 5) and fill out the remaining fields and then click on blue ‘save’ button on top right corner
a) For Advertising Key ID and Key: you can just enter 1234
For Out of Stock, set to 0 (this means when should KartRocket stop synching/adding stock with Amazon)

c. Price Formula: you can leave it at @ if you don't want to increase price for the product when you synch your Products with Amazon. Or, you can add a @+X%, where X is the % by which you want to increase the price when you post
your products to Amazon.

d. Price CallBack: you can leave this setting as it is.

e. Shipping & Payment Methods: This is what will show up when you import your Orders back to KartRocket. For simplicity, you should just these both to Amazon.

12. Go to step 3 – Map Categories. Map your categories to be synchronized with Amazon Market Place.

13. Pick the categories from which you want to send your products to Amazon. Select your KartRocket category on the left, cick the Right arrow and move it to the "Selected Categories" section on the right.

Then click on the Save button on the bottom

14. Go to step 4 – Upload and Sync

15. Then click on Lookup Now. You will see the number of products that would get created

Note: This step hasn't uploaded your products to Amazon yet. This step is to test what will happen when you actually send the product data to Amazon.
16. Uncheck the "Lookup Only" checkbox and click on ‘synchronize now’

17. You will get a success message!

18. Then go to your seller central account and check the posting of the product

1. Go to step 5 – Import Orders. Enter the date range (From and To) - Make sure the To date is the current date or less and not a future date

2. Click on ‘orders’ to fetch your orders

3. Click on the top left checkbox to select all orders you want to import

4. Next click on "Get Details for Selected Orders"

5.. You will get a detailed break up of each order that you have selected

6. Finally, click on Import selected orders

7. Now these orders will get imported and will start showing up in your Orders section.

Now that you've imported orders, lets work on sending shipping information to Amazon for these orders
This is needed so you can get paid!
1. Click on Step 6: Send Shipping Information

2. Select the date ranges (make sure the To date is less than or equal to current date) and click on Look Up Now

3. Select the Orders that you have shipped

Things to be kept in Mind
1. All the category belongs to the product should be mapped in the amazon integration app then only the inventory sync will happen properly
2.Whenever the product will get sell on any of the platform that is Kartrocket or Amazon then every time you need to perform UPLOAD & SYNC step of the Amazon Integration app
3.Sometimes the client will not able to import all the orders from the amazon in one shot then import only few orders at a time then import the other orders


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